Dennis Boyer
Pastor James Wilson; President
James, who likes to be called Jimmy, has been leading Loaves & Fishes since 2009 when he was asked to fill in for a short time, and this time became years. God said it was time for him to take his years of training to the front lines of the battlefield and lead the team to battle against darkness. He is a true representation of what God puts forth in men of Faith, speaking the message straight from the Bible of the Love of Jesus, the importance of repentance, and living without the desire to sin. James does not sit on the sidelines, he is directly involved in the lives he is leading; often going into the wilderness to reach those who are lost. He not only provides the lost with a meal each Thursday, but he provides Church services, prayer, brotherly love and kindness. Ministry extends beyond the homeless to hospitals and answering requests for prayer wherever it's needed. He teaches what the Lord expects of us and does all that is expected as an example to others beginning his day at 2:30 am with his personal time with the Lord. Although Loaves & Fishes is supported by tithes and offerings, he contributes his own tithes and offerings to make necessary purchases such as hygiene kits, sleeping bags, clothing, tents and food. Outside of ministry James works a full-time (plus) job as a Machine Mechanic III, earned his HVAC degree from Truckee Meadows Community College, and a certificate for Renewable Energy.
Beside being a devoted Husband, he is a father and a grandfather. His life is alongside his wife, together, is serving Jesus.
Kristi Wilson; Secretary, Treasurer
Serving up the end-of-Church cooking feeding up to 250 people each Thursday prepared in her 2-person kitchen then transferring the meal to the outreach location, Kristi is the wife of Pastor James Wilson. Kristi is always coming up with ideas and ways to improve the ministry and the lives of those who attend each Thursday. She brings from her hometown of York PA; German, Amish, and Pennsylvania Dutch cooking and traditional holiday foods, as well as Western foods such as Mexican and other foods as spaghetti and cold cuts. She is usually the person to cook up an idea while Pastor James takes a deep breath to find the energy... and then they complete it together. Some ideas are as simple as changing to gluten-free unleavened bread on Communion days and visiting the shelter to share love and direction, and others are more complex as arranging a larger-than-normal Christmas event, the annual coat drive, fund-raising, arranging and directing board meetings, keeping record of finances, annual taxes, public communication, and more.
When Kristi began volunteering for Loaves & Fishes in January 2008, she knew that this ministry was important to the Kingdom of Heaven. She, as well as attendees, has seen miracles week after week such as the food multiplying when there wasn't enough to feed all, the clouds part and the sun shine down directly above the ministry area, healings and even the more extreme!
Kristi enjoys studying Eschatology and brings the "Endtime" messages to the congregation. In addition, she has studied Law at Kaplan University, earned an A.A. in Psychology at Truckee Meadows Community College and is a student at Calvary Chapel University working toward a B.A. in Biblical Counseling. Currently she provides free Spiritual and Biblical Counseling to those who are in need as well as Life Coaching.
Fred Elenbaas; Director
Fred first heard about Loaves & Fishes from a fellow member of a men’s Bible Study that he was attending when he decided to visit the Church without Walls, and then immediately embraced this ministry that was based on Jesus feeding the multitudes that Pastor Jimmy ministered to. He found that what Pastors Jimmy Wilson is teaching is sound and according to the Bible and that this ministry meets a majority of the needs of homeless and impoverished members of the Reno community with the limited resources he has; therefore, Fred became involved. Currently as a volunteer, Fred is a board member and serves coffee and pastries for the Loaves & Fishes’ Church without Walls ministry at Barbara Bennett Park each Thursday. Fred is certainly an asset to this ministry; his faithfulness and dependability as well as his friendly personality is something to be modeled after; a wonderful role model for those who attend!
Currently Fred is retired after a 40 year career in civil engineering which included planning and developing construction projects. Based on Fred's fruitful life experiences, when Loaves & Fishes is able to expand to have a Day Center as well as other facilities for Reno's homeless and impoverished, he has volunteered to be the Facilities Manager. Apart from his work as an engineer he chaired a church committee that was charged with the improvement and maintenance of the facilities. Additionally, he has been a long-term volunteer with The Salvation Army, a church youth group and with missions work building tiny homes for the needy in Mexico.
Cecile Caron; Director
Cecile Caron has been a tremendous asset to Loaves & Fishes Outreach and has been a faithful volunteer since 2008 where her agenda each week is to walk amongst the crowd to speak love into the hearts of those who attend Loaves & Fishes, and to meet and welcome new people. She greets each and every person with a warm smile and the life-giving gift of the message of salvation; she has led hundreds, if not thousands to accept Jesus as their personal savior over the years. Cecile provides Biblical Counseling to anyone who is in need of direction - without charge because the Word of God is Free!
When you meet Cecile you will see the big red heart that she wears covering her from shoulders to thighs and in big white letters that says, “Jesus ♥ You.” She is gifted in personal prophecy, being able to see a person’s gift and speaking one-on-one to encourage and uplift with the truth of their disposition. She is a great friend, and great mentor, listening with her heart and gently guiding with the truth of God’s word. She will hand you a New Testament Bible or full-sized Bible and inform you that this is the only life-giving Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth manual.
Cecile will not forget you, she doesn’t forget a face; once a Saul now always a Paul, spreading the Gospel to all that she comes in contact with. She will certainly hear the words one day, “well-done good and faithful serveant!”
Dennis Boyer; Director
Dennis rededicated his life to Jesus in 1995 and began attending Fellowship of Believers/River Christian Church in 1996. He is a retired electrician/construction worker. He found Loaves & Fishes several years ago and he and his wife (now in Heaven) really enjoyed being part of the ministry; however, he was not able to be consistent with his desire to serve more often. Through the grace of God and the blessing of Pastor Jim and Kristi and God's guidance, he has give Dennis the desire and availability to return with an even larger commitment to this ministry. He adds, "Thank You Lord for giving us The Church Without Wals and the amazing opportunity to serve. God Bless!"